WomenSense is proud to support the Canadian Women’s Foundation

WomenSense®️ is a strong supporter of Canada’s public foundation for Women and Girls, The Canadian Women’s Foundation. The Canadian Women’s Foundation funds programs that work to change the lives of women and girls in more than 1,500 communities across Canada and has grown to be one of the 10 most prominent women’s foundations in the world. Since 2011, WomenSense®️ has donated over $600,000 to the Foundation by sharing a portion of its profits from every sold bottle of EstroSense®️, ThyroSense®️, MenoSense®️, and AdrenaSense®️.

Please join us in supporting and empowering women and girls across Canada!

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Canadian Women's Foundation

About the Canadian
Women’s Foundation

The Canadian Women’s Foundation is Canada’s public foundation for women and girls. They advance gender equality by empowering women and girls in Canada to move out of violence, out of poverty, and into confidence and leadership. Since 1991, they’ve raised money and invested in over 1,400 community programs across Canada, and are one of the ten largest women’s foundations in the world.